Monday, April 22, 2019

Oklahoma Land Run 130 years Ago

Oklahoma Land Run 130 Years Ago

Today is April 22. It was exactly 130 years ago that the first land run took place in Oklahoma. There was over 2 million acres up for grabs. Men ran, biked, rode horses, or drove one horse buggies or wagons hoping to be the first to stake a claim to some of this land. If they didn't want to stake a claim for 160 acres, they could attempt to get a plot in town.

It was dangerous for some. People jumped off of trains trying to get to the land first. Some, unfortunately tried to cross rivers with quicksand, and they didn't survive. Some horses didn't either.

For those who claimed land, they had to go to Guthrie or Kingfisher and stand in line until their claim was processed. It was worth the wait for most. Others sold their land and went back home.

They had to improve the land. Of course, one of the first things they did was set up a camp or build a house. They needed water, so many dug wells as soon as they could. Some areas did not have trees, and some families lived in sod houses or dugouts. They needed to plant gardens immediately. It was the year of the turnip since the planting season wasn't long enough to grow some vegetables. There was always turnips to eat. Even the eggs and milk had a turnip taste to the pioneers or 89ers as they were called.

It had to have been a challenge for these adventurers. It took time to build a house, plant a garden, dig for water, and generally just improve the acreage they had staked. Not everyone made it. There were ghost towns and many families just gave up and returned to their former homes.

However, a "Yee Haw" to those who did endure those first years. There are some farms still in the Oklahoma City, Yukon,  and El Reno area that have been in the family since 1889. I just wish I knew more of the stories that the 89ers could have relayed to their families. They would be interesting to hear.

Below are pictures of some land runs at schools and the monument showing the Guthrie land office where those who participated in the land run had to register their claim.

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